

  • Chapter 1 General principles

    Article 1 (Purpose)
    The purpose of these Terms is to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Company and the User with respect to the use of digital contents (hereinafter referred to as "Content") and other services provided by the Company online.
    Article 2 (Definitions)
    As used in these Terms, the following terms have the following definitions 1. "Company" refers to a person engaged in economic activities related to the "content" industry and provides content and other services. 2. "User" refers to members and non-members who access the Company's site and use the "Content" and other services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms. 3. "Member" means a "user" who has signed a use contract with the "Company" and has been granted a "user ID" and can continuously receive information from the "Company" and continuously use the services provided by the "Company". 4."Non-Member" means a person who is not a Member and uses the services provided by the Company. 5."Content" refers to data or information expressed in symbols, characters, voice, sound, image, or video used in information and communication networks pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. 6. "ID" means a combination of letters or numbers determined by the Member and approved by the Company for the identification of the Member and the use of the Service. 7. "PASSWORD" refers to a combination of letters or numbers set by the "Member" to confirm that the "Member" is a "Member" that matches the "ID" assigned to the "Member" and to protect the confidentiality of the "Member".
    Article 3 (Provision of Identifying Information)
    "The Company shall post the contents of these Terms, its name, name of representative, business address (including the address of the place where consumer complaints can be handled), telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, business license number, e-commerce business notification number, and personal information manager on the initial screen of the online service so that users can easily understand the contents of these Terms. However, the Terms and Conditions may be made available to users through a connected screen.

    Section 4 (Posting of Terms, etc.)

    The Company shall take technical measures to enable the Member to print these Terms and Conditions in full and to check the contents of these Terms and Conditions during the transaction process. The Company shall install a technical device so that the User can ask and answer questions about the Company and the contents of these Terms. ③ The "Company" shall seek confirmation from the "User" before the "User" agrees to the Terms by providing a separate link or pop-up screen so that the "User" can easily understand important contents such as withdrawal of subscription, refund conditions, etc.

    Section 5 (Amendments to Terms, etc.)

    The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate applicable laws, including the Online Digital Content Industry Development Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, and the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions. ② If the "Company" revises the Terms and Conditions, it shall specify the date of application and the reason for revision, and notify the current Terms and Conditions on the initial screen of the service for a period of 7 days before the date of application and for a considerable period after the date of application, and send the revised Terms and Conditions to the existing members by e-mail. ③ If the Company revises the Terms, the Company shall notify the User of the revised Terms and confirm the User's consent to the application of the revised Terms. If the "User" does not agree to the application of the revised Terms, the "Company" or the "User" may terminate the Content Use Agreement. In this case, the Company shall compensate the User for any damages incurred by the User due to the termination of the contract.

    Section 6 (Interpretation of Terms)

    Matters not provided for in these Terms and the interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the Online Digital Content Industry Development Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Digital Content User Protection Guidelines prescribed by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and other relevant laws and regulations or common practice.

    Chapter 2 Sign up

    Section 7 (Membership)

    Membership is concluded when the User agrees to the contents of the Terms and Conditions and applies for membership, and the Company approves such application. The following information must be provided in the membership application form. Items 1 through 3 are required, and the other items are optional. 1. the Member's full name and social security number or Internet personal identification number 2. "Username (email address)" and "Password" 3. email address 4. the kind of "content" you want to use 5. other matters deemed necessary by the "Company" ③ The "Company" shall approve the application of the "User" for membership in principle. However, the Company may not approve the application falling under any of the following items. 1. the applicant has been previously disqualified from membership under these Terms 2. not your real name or using someone else's name 3. provide false information or fail to provide information that is represented by the company. 4. if approval is not possible due to reasons attributable to the user or if the application is made in violation of other stipulated provisions ④ The Company may withhold acceptance if there are insufficient service-related facilities, or if there are technical or business problems. ⑤ If the Company does not approve or reserves approval of the membership application pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4, the Company shall notify the applicant, unless the Company is unable to notify the applicant due to reasons attributable to the Company. ⑥ The membership contract shall be concluded when the Company's consent reaches the User.
    Article 8 (Special Rules for Minors)
    (1) "Users" under the age of 14 shall apply for membership and provide their personal information after fully understanding the purpose of collecting and using personal information and obtaining the consent of their parents or other legal representatives. ② The Company cancels or denies subscription to users under the age of 14 who have not verified the consent of their parents or legal representatives. ③ Parents or legal representatives of "Users" under the age of 14 may request to view, correct, or update personal information about their children or withdraw their consent to membership, and in such cases, the "Company" shall take necessary measures without delay.

    Section 9 (Changes to Membership Information)

    The "Member" may view and modify his/her personal information at any time through the personal information management screen. ② The Member shall notify the Company of any changes to the information provided in the membership application by modifying the information online or by e-mail or other means. ③ The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages arising from the failure to notify the Company of changes to Paragraph 2.
    Article 10 (Member's obligation to manage "ID" and "password")
    The "Member" is responsible for managing the "ID" and "password" of the "Member" and shall not allow a third party to use it. The Member shall immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions if the Member realizes that the ID and password have been stolen or are being used by a third party. ③ In the case of Paragraph 2, the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by the Member's failure to notify the Company or, even if notified, to follow the Company's instructions.

    Section 11 (Notices to "Members")

    When the Company gives notice to the Member, it may do so to the e-mail address designated by the Member. ② The Company may substitute the notice in Paragraph 1 by posting it on the bulletin board of the Company for more than 7 days in the case of notice to all Members. However, the Company shall notify the Member of matters that have a significant impact on the Member's own transactions in accordance with Paragraph 1.

    Section 12 (Termination and Disqualification)

    The "Member" may request the "Company" to withdraw at any time, and the "Company" will immediately process the withdrawal. If the Member falls under any of the following reasons, the Company may restrict or suspend the Member's membership. 1. you provided false information when applying for membership. 2. Failure to fulfill the Company's service usage fee or other debts incurred by the Member in connection with the Company's service usage on the due date 3. threaten the order of e-commerce, such as interfering with other people's use of the Company's services or stealing their information. 4. use the Company to engage in any act prohibited by law or these Terms and Conditions or contrary to public order and morality ③ After the "Company" restricts or suspends the membership, if the same behavior is repeated more than twice or the reason is not corrected within 30 days, the "Company" may disqualify the membership. ④ If the "Company" disqualifies a member, the membership registration shall be canceled. In this case, the "Member" shall be notified and given a period of at least 30 days to make a defense before the membership registration is canceled.

    Chapter 3 Content Use Agreement

    Section 13 (Posting of Content, etc.)

    (1) The Company shall display the following items on the initial screen of the Content or its packaging in a manner that is easy for the User to understand. 1. the name or title of the "content" 2. the date of creation and display of the "content" 3. the name (or legal entity name if you are a legal entity), address, and phone number of the creator of the "content" 4. content, usage, fees, and other terms of use of the "Content" The "Company" shall provide the "User" with information regarding the available devices for each "Content" and the minimum technical specifications required for use in the process of concluding the contract.
    Article 14 (Establishment of Use Agreement, etc.)
    The "User" shall apply for the use of the Service in accordance with the following or similar procedures provided by the "Company". The "Company" shall provide information so that the "User" can accurately understand the details of each service before concluding the contract and transact without mistake or error. 1. view and select the "Content" list 2. enter your name, address, phone number (or cell phone number), email address, etc. 3. confirmation of the contents of the Terms and Conditions and the measures taken by the Company with respect to the "Contents" that cannot be withdrawn from the subscription 4. an indication (e.g., mouse click) that you agree to these Terms and confirm or reject item 3 above 5. confirmation of the application for use of the Content or consent to confirmation by the Company 6. select a payment method The "Company" may not approve or reserve approval if the "User's" application for use falls under any of the following items. 1. not your real name or using someone else's name 2. misrepresent any information or fail to provide any representation made by the Company. 3. you are a minor and want to access Content that is prohibited by youth protection laws. 4. the service is not available, or there are technical or business issues. ③ The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Company's consent reaches the User in the form of the receipt confirmation notice in Article 16.1. ④ The Company's expression of consent includes confirmation of the User's application for use, availability of service, and information on correction or cancellation of the application for use.
    Article 15 (Special Rules for Minors)
    "If a minor user under the age of 20 wishes to use the paid service, the Company shall obtain the consent of a legal representative such as a parent or other legal representative, or take measures to notify the minor or his/her legal representative before concluding the contract that the contract may be canceled if the consent is not obtained after concluding the contract.
    Article 16 (Receipt Confirmation Notices - Changes and Cancellations)
    The "Company" shall notify the "User" of the receipt confirmation when the "User" applies for use. ② The "User" who receives the receipt confirmation notice may request to change or cancel the use application immediately after receiving the receipt confirmation notice if there is a discrepancy in the expression of intention, and the "Company" shall process the request without delay if there is a request from the "User" before providing the service. However, if the payment has already been made, the provisions of Article 27 regarding withdrawal of subscription, etc. shall apply.
    Article 17 (Obligations of the Company)
    The Company shall exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations set forth in the laws and these Terms and Conditions in good faith. The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that the User can safely use the Content, and shall disclose and comply with the Privacy Policy. ③ The "Company" shall take measures to allow the "User" to check the content usage and payment details from time to time. ④ The Company shall handle any opinions or complaints raised by the User regarding the use of the Content without delay if it recognizes that they are justified. The Company shall communicate the process and results of any opinions or complaints raised by users through bulletin boards or e-mail. ⑤ The Company shall compensate the User for any damages suffered by the User due to the breach of the obligations set forth in these Terms.
    Article 18 (Obligations of the User)
    The "User" shall not engage in any of the following acts. 1. misrepresented information in the application or change 2. stealing someone else's information 3. change of information published in "Company" 4. transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) prohibited by the Company 5. infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, of the Company and other third parties 6. damage the reputation or interfere with the work of the Company and other third parties 7. disclose or post obscene or violent words or texts, images, sounds, or other information that violates public order and morals on the Company's site 8. other illegal or unfair conduct ② The User shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the precautions notified in connection with the User Guide and the Contents, and the matters notified by the Company, and shall not engage in any other acts that interfere with the Company's business.

    Section 19 (Payment Methods)

    "Payment for the use of the Content may be made by any of the following methods. However, the Company shall not collect any additional nominal fee for the payment method of the User. 1. various account transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, mail banking, etc. 2. pay with prepaid cards, debit cards, credit cards, etc. 3. online direct deposit 4. payment by electronic money 5. payment by points paid by the Company, such as miles, etc. 6. payment by gift certificates contracted with the Company or recognized by the Company 7. pay by phone or cell phone 8. payments by other electronic payment methods, etc. Article 20 (Provision and Discontinuance of Content Services) Content services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. ② The "Company" may temporarily suspend the provision of the Content Service if there is a substantial reason for maintenance, inspection, replacement, or failure of information and communication facilities such as computers, communication interruption, or operation. In this case, the "Company" shall notify the "User" in the manner specified in Article 11 [Notification to "Members"]. However, if there is an unavoidable reason that the Company cannot notify in advance, the Company may notify afterward. ③ The "Company" shall compensate the "User" for any damages incurred by the "User" due to the temporary suspension of the provision of the Content Service without substantial reason. However, this shall not apply if the Company proves that it is not intentional or negligent. ④ The Company may conduct regular inspections when necessary for the provision of content services, and the time of regular inspection shall be as announced on the service provision screen. ⑤ If the Company is unable to provide the Content Service due to the conversion of business items, abandonment of business, or integration between companies, the Company shall notify the User in the manner set forth in Article 11 [Notification to Members] and compensate the User in accordance with the terms and conditions originally provided by the Company. However, if the Company does not notify the compensation criteria, or if the compensation criteria notified is not appropriate, the Company shall compensate the User in kind or in cash for the User's mileage or accumulated points.
    Article 21 (Changes to Content Services)
    The Company may change the content services it provides for operational and technical needs if there is a substantial reason. ② The "Company" shall post the reason for the change, the content of the content service to be changed, and the date of provision on the initial screen of the content service for at least 7 days before the change. ③ In the case of Paragraph 2, if the changes are significant or disadvantageous to the User, the Company shall notify the User to whom the Content Service is provided in the manner specified in Article 11 [Notification to Members] and obtain the User's consent. At this time, the Company shall provide the pre-change service to the User who refuses to consent. However, if it is not possible to provide such services, the Company may terminate the Agreement. ④ The Company shall compensate the User for any damages incurred by the User due to the change of the Service pursuant to Paragraph 1 and the termination of the Contract pursuant to Paragraph 3.
    Article 22 (Provision of Information and Placement of Advertisements)
    The "Company" may provide various information deemed necessary by the "User" during the use of the Content to the "Member" by means of announcements or e-mail. However, the "Member" may refuse to receive such information at any time via e-mail. ② If the information in Paragraph 1 is to be transmitted by telephone or mobile phone, the prior consent of the "Member" shall be obtained. ③ The Company may place advertisements on the content screen, homepage, e-mail, etc. in connection with the provision of the Content Service. Members who receive e-mails containing advertisements may refuse to receive such e-mails.

    Section 23 (Deletion of Posts)

    The "Company" shall delete without delay any harmful media for youth that violates the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. posted on the bulletin board. However, exceptions are made for bulletin boards that can only be used by "users" over the age of 19. A person whose legal interests are infringed by information posted on the bulletin board operated by the Company may request the Company to delete the information or post a refutation of the information. In this case, the Company shall take the necessary measures without delay and notify the applicant immediately.
    Article 24 (Attribution of Copyrights, etc.)
    Copyright and other intellectual property rights to works created by the Company belong to the Company. Copyright and other intellectual property rights to the works provided under the partnership agreement among the services provided by the Company shall belong to the respective provider. ③ The User shall not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise use for commercial purposes or cause a third party to use for commercial purposes any information obtained by using the services provided by the Company or the Provider that belongs to the intellectual property rights of the Company or the Provider without the prior consent of the Company or the Provider. ④ The Company shall obtain the permission of the User when using the User's work in accordance with the Agreement.
    Article 25 (Privacy)
    The "Company" may collect the minimum information necessary for the use of the contents of the "User" in addition to the information provided in the application form in Article 7, Paragraph 2. For this purpose, the User shall notify the Company in good faith about the matters inquired by the Company. The Company shall obtain the consent of the User when collecting personal information that can identify the User. ③ The "Company" shall not use the information provided by the "User" in the application for use and the information collected pursuant to Paragraph 1 for any purpose other than the consent of the "User" or provide it to a third party without the consent of the "User", and the "Company" shall be responsible for any violation thereof. However, the following cases are exceptions 1. in a form that does not identify a specific individual, as necessary for statistical purposes, academic research or market research 2. as necessary for the settlement of charges for the provision of the Content 3. necessary to verify your identity for fraud prevention purposes 4. there are unavoidable reasons required by the provisions of the Terms or laws and regulations ④ If the "Company" is required to obtain the consent of the "User" under Paragraphs 2 and 3, it shall specify and notify the matters stipulated in Article 22, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. regarding the identity of the person in charge of managing "personal information" (affiliation, name, telephone number, and other contact information), the purpose of collecting and using information, and matters related to the provision of information to third parties (recipient, purpose of provision, and content of information to be provided). ⑤ The User may withdraw the consent in Paragraph 3 at any time at will. ⑥ The "User" may request to view and correct errors in his/her "Personal Information" held by the "Company" at any time, and the "Company" shall be obligated to take necessary measures without delay. "If the User requests the correction of an error, the Company shall not use the Personal Information until the error is corrected. ⑦ The Company shall limit the number of administrators to minimize the number of administrators to protect personal information, and shall be liable for any damages to the User caused by the loss, theft, leakage, falsification, etc. of the User's personal information, including credit cards, bank accounts, etc. ⑧ The Company or the person who received the Personal Information from the Company may use the Personal Information within the scope agreed to by the User, and shall destroy the Personal Information without delay when the purpose is achieved. ⑨ The Company shall endeavor to protect the personal information of the User in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, including the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. "The protection and use of "Personal Information" shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations and the Company's privacy policy.

    Chapter 4 Cancellation, Termination, and Restriction of Use of the Content Use Agreement

    Article 26 (Cancellation of Subscription and Termination of Contract by User)
    (1) A "User" who has entered into a contract with the "Company" regarding the use of the "Contents" may withdraw his/her subscription within 7 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of receipt. However, if the Company takes any of the following actions, the User's right to withdraw the subscription may be restricted. 1. the representations include facts about the "content" that make the offer irrevocable 2. if you offered a trial product 3. you've offered a limited-time or limited-access offer ② The "User" may cancel or terminate the Content Use Agreement within 3 months from the date the "Content" is supplied or within 30 days from the date the "User" knew or could have known the fact if there is any of the following reasons. 1. the "Content" as promised in the Agreement is not provided 2. the "content" provided is different from or significantly different from displays, advertisements, etc. 3. other defects in the Content that make normal use significantly impossible ③ The withdrawal of subscription in Paragraph 1 and the termination or cancellation of the contract in Paragraph 2 shall be effective when the user indicates his/her intention to the Company by telephone, e-mail, or e-mail. ④ The Company shall reply to the User without delay after receiving the User's expression of intent to withdraw from the subscription or cancel or terminate the contract pursuant to Paragraph 3. ⑤ The "User" may request the cure of defects in the complete "Content" or service use by setting a reasonable period of time before expressing the intention to cancel or terminate the contract due to Paragraph 2.
    Article 27 (Effect of withdrawal of subscription and termination of contract by "User")
    The "Company" shall refund the payment in the same way as the payment within 3 business days from the date the "User" expresses his/her intention to cancel the subscription or from the date the "Company" replies to the "User" about the intention to cancel or terminate the contract, and shall notify the "User" in advance if the refund cannot be made in the same way. In this case, if the "Company" delays the refund to the "User", the "Company" shall pay the delayed interest calculated by multiplying the delayed interest rate prescribed and notified by the Fair Trade Commission for the delayed period. When the Company makes a refund pursuant to Paragraph 1, the Company may deduct and refund the amount corresponding to the profit earned by the User from the use of the Service. ③ When the Company refunds the above payment, if the User has paid for the goods or services by a payment method such as credit card or electronic money, the Company shall immediately request the business that provided the payment method to suspend or cancel the charge for the goods or services without delay. However, this may not be the case if a deduction is required under Paragraph 2. ④ If the Company, the person who received the payment for the Content, or the person who concluded the Content use contract with the User are not the same person, each of them shall be jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of the obligations related to the refund of the payment due to the withdrawal of the subscription or the cancellation or termination of the contract. ⑤ The Company shall not claim any penalty or damages from the User for withdrawal of the subscription. However, this shall not affect the User's claim for damages arising from the termination of the contract.
    Article 28 (Cancellation, Termination, and Restriction of Use by the Company)
    The "Company" may cancel or terminate the contract without prior notice or restrict the use of the service for a specified period of time if the "User" commits an act specified in Article 12, Paragraph 2. ② The cancellation or revocation of Paragraph 1 shall take effect when the Company indicates its intention to the User in accordance with the notification method it has established. ③ The User may file an appeal against the Company's cancellation, termination, and restriction of use in accordance with the procedures established by the Company. If the Company recognizes that the objection is justified, the Company shall immediately resume the use of the Service.
    Article 29 (Effect of Termination and Cancellation by the Company)
    "The effect of canceling or terminating the use contract due to reasons attributable to the User shall be governed by Article 27. However, the "Company" shall refund the payment in the same manner as the payment within 7 business days from the date of the "User's" intention to cancel or terminate the contract.

    Chapter 5 Overcharges, restitution, and more

    Article 30 (Overcharges)
    (1) The Company shall refund the full amount of the error in the same way as the payment of the usage fee in the event of an error. However, if it is not possible to refund the same method, the Company shall notify you in advance. If an error occurs due to a reason for which the Company is responsible, the Company shall refund the entire amount of the error regardless of contract costs, fees, etc. However, if an error is caused by the User's responsible reason, the User shall bear the cost of the Company's refund of the error within a reasonable range. ③ The Company shall be responsible for proving that the usage fee has been legitimately charged when refusing to refund the overcharge claimed by the User. ④ The Company shall handle the refund process of the overcharge in accordance with the Digital Content User Protection Guidelines.
    Article 31 (Compensation for User Damages Due to Content Defects)
    The "Company" shall handle matters related to the standards, scope, methods and procedures for user compensation due to content defects, etc. in accordance with the Digital Content User Protection Guidelines.
    Section 32 (Disclaimers)
    The Company shall be exempted from liability for providing the Content if it is unable to provide the Content due to natural disasters or similar force majeure. The Company shall not be liable for any failure to use the Content due to reasons attributable to the User. ③ The Company shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the information, materials, facts, etc. posted by the Member in connection with the Content. ④ The Company shall not be liable for any disputes arising between Users or between Users and third parties through the Content.
    Section 33 (Resolution of Disputes)
    The "Company" shall take appropriate and prompt action in response to any legitimate opinions or complaints raised by the "User" in the event of a dispute. However, if it is difficult to process quickly, the Company shall notify the User of the reason and the processing schedule.
  • HASSBIO (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") values your personal information and complies with the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. Through the Privacy Policy, the Company will inform you of the purpose and manner in which the personal information you provide is used and what measures are being taken to protect your personal information. If we revise the Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the website notice (or individual notice). This policy is effective as of : April 1, 2020.

    What personal information do we collect?
    The Company collects the following personal information for membership registration, resume creation, etc.
    Collected data: Name, email, phone number, occupation, company name, license number
    How we collect personal information
    Collected through registration and information entry forms configured on recruitment and job search related pages
    Purpose of collecting and using personal information
    We use the personal information we collect for the following purposes Contact us
    Retention and use period of personal information
    After the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been fulfilled, the Company will destroy such information without delay and without exception.
    Processes and methods for destroying personal information
    In principle, the Company destroys personal information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using it has been fulfilled. The procedure and method of destruction are as follows
    Destruction Procedures
    The information entered by users for reservations, etc. is transferred to a separate database (separate filing cabinet for paper) after the purpose is fulfilled and stored for a certain period of time (see Retention and Use Period) in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations, and then destroyed. Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is retained, unless otherwise required by law.
    Destruction methods
    Personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using technical methods that make the records unrecoverable.
    Providing personal information
    In principle, we do not provide your personal information to outside parties, except in the following cases. When users have given their prior consent, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, or when required by law enforcement agencies in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by laws and regulations for the purpose of investigation.
    Transfer of personal information we collect
    We will not entrust your information to outside parties without your consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify you of the entrusted party and the nature of the entrusted work and obtain your prior consent if necessary.
    Installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices
    We may use "cookies" to store and retrieve your information from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file that is sent to your browser by the server used to operate the website and is stored on your computer's hard disk. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes
    Purpose of using cookies, etc.
    - We do not store any cookie information on our servers, except for storing cookie information such as "Do not view today" between pop-ups in the homepage operation management.
    How to reject cookie settings
    Yes: To refuse to accept cookies, you can select the options in your web browser to either accept all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. Example settings (for Internet Explorer): Tools > Internet Options > Privacy at the top of your web browser Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, we may have difficulty providing our services.
    Privacy complaint services
    In order to protect your personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the Company has designated the relevant departments and the person in charge of personal information management as follows. Responsible person: HEUNG SIK KIM Tel: 070-4335-3944 Email: You may report any complaints related to personal information protection arising from the use of the Company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge. The Company will promptly provide a sufficient response to the user's report. If you need to report or consult about other personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations. 1.Individual Dispute Resolution Board ( 2.Information Security Mark Certification Council ( 3.Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center ( 4.National Police Agency Cyber Terrorism Response Center (